Interactions of neutrons with silicon have been studied by measuring γ-ray production cross sections. For incident mean neutron energies En=5.35,5.85,6.4,6.9,7.45,7.95,8.5, and 9.0 MeV, spectra were obtained for a natural silicon sample. The γ rays were detected using a coaxial Ge(Li) detector of 30-cm3 active volume. Data were obtained for γ-ray scattering angles of 55 and 90° for all En, of 35° for En=7.45 and 8.5 MeV, and of 75° for En=6.4 and 7.45 MeV. Time of flight was used with the detector to discriminate against pulses due to neutrons and background radiation. Data were also obtained at En=5.9 MeV, θγ=55 for a sample of SiO229 enriched to 95% in Si29, and for a similarly enriched sample of SiO230. These data have been studied to obtain absolute cross sections for production of γ rays for the incident neutron energies quoted above. The cross sections have been compared, where possible, with previously measured values; agreement was fair.