Screening for Bacteriuria in Urological Patients using Reagent Strips

A rapid and accurate ward-based method of diagnosing urinary infection would be of value in determining the prescription of antibiotics in pre-operative urological patients. This study describes the sensitivity and specificity of a screening technique based on commercially available reagent strips in the diagnosis of urinary infection. A total of 222 pre-operative samples and 83 post-operative samples was studied to compare the results of formal urine culture and reagent strips. Using a definition of a positive nitrite or a positive leucocyte esterase on the reagent strips as being suggestive of infection, it was found that the strips had a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 85% compared with formal culture in pre-operative samples. The results from post-operative samples were less satisfactory, the strips having a sensitivity of only 71% and specificity of 55%. The strips were insensitive but specific in the identification of pyuria in pre-operative specimens. These results suggest that reagent strips can be used as a ward-based method to identify men at risk of infection before urological procedures, and may allow selectivity in the use of peri-operative antibiotics.