IN RECENT years the exfoliative-cell diagnosis of neoplasms having a free surface has been advocated by Papanicolaou1and others,2using the fixed-smear technique. This method has been utilized in the detection of uterine and cervical carcinoma by examination of the vaginal and cervical smears; in the diagnosis of carcinoma of the laryngo-tracheo-broncho-pulmonary tree by cytologic study of sputum and bronchial secretions; in the diagnosis of malignant changes in the esophageal-gastric-pancreatic-biliary tract by analysis of aspirated gastric-duodenalbiliary contents; in the detection of renal, vesical, and prostatic carcinoma by the study of urethral and bladder urine and prostatic-secretion smears; in the diagnosis of primary and metastatic neoplasms of the pleural and peritoneal cavities by a study of the effusions associated therewith; in the detection of malignant growths of the colon and rectum and of the skin by an analysis of the mucoid material and imprints obtained from the feces and