Macroscopic and microscopic findings of areas with radiologic erosions in human temporomandibular joints

The aim was to describe the macroscopic and microscopic findings of areas with radiologic erosions in the human temporomandibular joint. An autopsy material of 40 human joints, removed as blocks, was examined with tomography, and an erosion was found in 37 areas. A macroscopic and a microscopic examination focused on the presence of the calcified cartilage zone (CCZ) was performed in these areas. In the condyle 13 of 14 areas with a radiologic erosion showed denudation of bone macroscopically. Microscopically, these areas were covered by a thin fibrocellular tissue, and the CCZ was absent. In the temporal component, only 1 of the 23 areas showed bone exposure macroscopically. Microscopically, the soft tissue in these areas varied in thickness. The CCZ was missing in 13 of the 23 areas, even in some areas that appeared normal macroscopically and were microscopically covered by intact soft tissue. Thus, in areas with a radiologic erosion the macroscopic and microscopic appearance differed between the condyle and the temporal component. The nature of the findings is discussed.