Density fluctuations in liquid rubidium. I. Neutron-scattering measurements

We report neutron-scattering measurements of the coherent scattering function S(Q,ω) of liquid rubidium at 315 K, in the range of wave vectors 1.25Q5.5 Å1. In this range there is no evidence of peaks at finite ω in S(Q,ω) plotted at constant Q. On the other hand the Fourier transform F(Q,t) exhibits structure, notably for Q=2.0 Å1, which indicates at least two characteristic (wavelength-dependent) relaxation times in the liquid. For wave vectors >3.0 Å1, F(Q,t) may be characterized by a single relaxation time. These results, in conjunction with our results for Q<1.0 Å1, offer the possibility of detailed comparisons with models of the liquid state and with molecular-dynamics calculations.