Pathbase: a database of mutant mouse pathology

Pathbase is a database that stores images of the abnormal histology associated with spontaneous and induced mutations of both embryonic and adult mice including those produced by transgenesis, targeted mutagenesis and chemical mutagenesis. Images of normal mouse histology and strain‐dependent background lesions are also available. The database and the images are publicly accessible ( ) and linked by anatomical site, gene and other identifiers to relevant databases; there are also facilities for public comment and record annotation. The database is structured around a novel ontology of mouse disorders (MPATH) and provides high‐resolution downloadable images of normal and diseased tissues that are searchable through orthogonal ontologies for pathology, developmental stage, anatomy and gene attributes (GO terms), together with controlled vocabularies for type of genetic manipulation or mutation, genotype and free text annotation for mouse strain and additional attributes. The database is actively curated and data records assessed by pathologists in the Pathbase Consortium before publication. The database interface is designed to have optimal browser and platform compatibility and to interact directly with other web‐based mouse genetic resources.