Role of IIb-IIIa-like glycoproteins in cell-substratum adhesion of human melanoma cells

The platelet fibrinogen receptor, glycoprotein complex IIb-IIIa, was isolated from human platelets by lectin and monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography and a polyclonal antiserum (anti-IIb-IIIa) was generated and used to probe for the presence and function of IIb-IIIa-like molecules in two adherent human cell lines. Both C32 melanoma cells and W138 fibroblasts expressed a IIb-IIIa-like complex on their surface as indicated by immunoprecipitation of detergent extracts of surface radiolabeled cells. When added to cells plated in medium containing 10% serum, the anti-IIb-IIIa antiserum perturbed the adhesion of C32 melanoma cells, but not of W138 fibroblasts. In a serum-free system, anti-IIb-IIIa antibodies inhibited attachment and spreading of C32 cells to fibrinogen, vitronectin, and fibronectin adsorbed to glass. Anti-IIb-IIIa had no effect on the attachment and spreading of W138 cells to the extracellular matrix proteins, however. Thus, the IIb-IIIa-like complex appears to play a predominant role in cell-substratum adhesion of C32 cells, but not W138 cells, and may result from the fact that, on a protein basis, the C32 melanoma cells express approximately 3 times more complex on their surface than do W138 fibroblasts. The results suggest that the relative abundance of a particular adhesion receptor on the cell surface may govern its importance to cell-substratum adhesion.