Based on the energy retardation power formula concerning the penetration and the energy loss of an electron probe into solid targets, the secondary electron emission yield delta due both to primary and back-scattered electrons is derived as functions of three parameters such as atomic number Z, first ionisation energy I and back-scattering coefficient r, which are found to be in good accordance with the results obtained experimentally. Notable in such theoretical procedures are the maximum yield delta m and the primary energy Em, giving delta m=0.12Z1/15I4/5(1+1.26r) for Em=57.9Z115/I4/5(1+5r2)4/5 (eV) which substantially agree with the miscellaneous experiments of many authors. The energy dependence of the yield-energy distributions, the yield of thin films and the lateral distribution of secondary yield at the distance from the centre of the beam are given as functions of the back-scattering coefficient and the primary energy.