Scalar meson in dynamical and partially quenched two-flavor QCD: lattice results and chiral loops

This is an exploratory study of the lightest non-singlet scalar $q\bar q$ state on the lattice with two dynamical quarks. Domain Wall fermions are used for both sea and valence quarks on a 16^3*32 lattice with an inverse lattice spacing of 1.7 GeV. We extract the scalar meson mass 1.58(34) GeV from the exponential time-dependence of the dynamical correlators with $m_{val}=m_{sea}$ and N_f=2. Since this statistical error-bar from dynamical correlators is rather large, we analyze also the partially quenched lattice correlators with $m_{val}$ not equal $m_{sea}$. They are positive for $m_{val}>=m_{sea}$ and negative for $m_{val}=m_{sea}$ and negative for $m_{val}<m_{sea}$ at large t. After the subtraction of this unphysical contribution from the partially quenched lattice correlators, the correlators are positive and exponentially falling. The resulting scalar meson mass 1.51(19) GeV from the partially quenched correlators is consistent with the dynamical result and has appreciably smaller error-bar.

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