The 1H-NMR spectra of the liquid binary mixtures, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)-propane-1,2-diol (PD-1,2), were recorded at 298 K within nearly the whole range of the mixed solvent compositions. From these data the values of the spectral parameter, Δδ(DMF-PD-1,2) were found. The densities (d 12) and viscosities (η12) of the mixed solvents were measured at 298.15 K, as well as the dielectric permittivities (η12) at 288.15 K, 298.15 K and 303.15 K. From all these new parent data, the values of molar volumes (V 12), kinematic viscosities (η12/d 12) and their deviations from “ideality” were calculated. Additionally, the values of the temperature coefficients of dielectric permittivity, α12, were found. These structural parameters as functions of concentration suggest the formation of the most stable “complexes” (sub-units) of the DMF·2 PD-1,2 and 3 DMF·2 PD-1,2 types.