Gauge symmetry breaking through soft masses in supersymmetric gauge theories

We analyze the effects of soft supersymmetry-breaking terms on N=1 supersymmetric QCD with Nf flavors and color gauge group SU(Nc). The mass squared of some squarks may be negative, as long as vacuum stability is ensured by a simple mass inequality. For Nf<Nc, we include the dynamics of the nonperturbative superpotential and use the original (s)quark and gauge fields while, for Nf>Nc+1, we formulate the dynamics in terms of dual (s)quarks and a dual gauge group SU(NfNc). The presence of negative squark mass-squared terms leads to spontaneous breakdown of flavor and color symmetry. We determine this breaking pattern, derive the spectrum, and argue that the masses vary smoothly as one crosses from the Higgs phase into the confining phase.