This research investigated the effects of aquatic training on the swimming performance of 126 children, ages 2.5 to 5.5 yr., over 8 mo. Two groups of children were enrolled in an aquatic training program. Group 1 were returning program participants at the beginning of this study, and Group 2 were new participants. The control children (Group 3) received no aquatic training during the research. Subjects performed six categories of swimming tasks at three points in time—1st mo., 4th mo., and 8th mo. The categories were Locomotion: Front, Locomotion: Back, Kicking, Entry: Jump, Diving, and Ring Pick-up. A2 × 3 × 2 × 3 (sex × group × age × time) repeated-measures analysis of variance procedure showed that returning participants performed each category of swimming tasks at a more advanced level than the other groups at each time of measurement. New participants after training performed five of the categories of tasks at a more advanced level than the control group. Amount of training significantly influenced swimming, and training effects were task-specific when data were interpreted in terms of specific movement characteristics.

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