Charge Redistribution in Pd-Ag Alloys from a Local Perspective

Using Pd and Ag L3,2-edge x-ray-absorption near edge structures (XANES) and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, we have investigated the charge distribution in a series of Pd-Ag alloys (Pd3Ag, PdAg, and PdAg3) from a local perspective. It is found that, relative to the pure element, both Pd and Ag gain dandlosenond(sandp)chargeuponalloying.Theresultsarediscussedintermsofbandfilling,rehybridization,electronegativity,andelectroneutralityconsiderations.ThepossibilityofusingtheL3,2-edge XANES white line to circumvent the need of an appropriate volume for charge transfer discussions and for other applications are noted.