Electron-Temperature Dependence of Electron-Ion Recombination in Argon

A 3-mode microwave apparatus is used to study the dependence of the dissociative recombination coefficient α(Ar2+) on electron temperature Te over the range 300K<~Te<~10000K while the ion and gas temperatures remain at 300°K. A high-Q cavity mode is used to ionize the gas periodically, a second high-Q mode is used to determine the decay of electron density during the afterglow from the change of resonant frequency of the cavity, and a nonresonant waveguide mode is used to apply a constant microwave heating field to the electrons. At Te=300 K, a value α(Ar2+)=(8.5±0.8)×107 cm3/sec is obtained from analysis of recombination-controlled electron-density decays using a computer solution of the electron continuity equation which includes recombination and ambipolar diffusion terms. Over the range 300K<~Te<~10000K, the coefficient α(Ar2+) is found to follow a simple Te0.67 variation. This result is reconciled with Fox and Hobson's T1.3 variation, obtained under conditions where Te=Ti=T, on the basis of their changing Ar2+ vibrational-state populations with changing temperature. Finally, it is noted that our Te0.67 variation may be evidence for appreciable electron capture via the indirect as well as the direct dissociative process.