Eitneria tenella: immunological diversity between asexual generations

In the development of a normal strain, WIS, of Eimeria tenella there are three generations of schizogony whereas in an attenuated line, WIS-F-96, derived from WIS, the second and third are absent. Chickens immunized by infection with WIS-F-96, however, were highly resistant to oral challenge with sporulated oocysts of WIS, and histological studies indicated that the immune response was directed against the sporozoites from that challenge inoculum. When challenge of the WIS-F-96-primed chickens consisted of second generation merozoites of WIS (inoculated intracaecally), immunity was less pronounced and the histological data indicated that the merozoites proceeded to develop normally in these birds. These indications of immunological diversity between the merozoites of the first and second generations of schizogony of E. tenella WIS correlated with the results of preliminary studies of the antigenic composition of these developmental stages.