The use of light green and organge II as quantitative protein stains, and their combination with the feulgen method for the simultaneous determination of protein and DNA

The protein dyes Light Green and Orange II were studied separately and in combination with the Feulgen-Pararosanilin(SO2) and-Thionin(SO2) method for the simultaneous determination of DNA and protein. — With polyacrylamide modelfilms the pH dependency, specificity and stoichiometry of Light Green and Orange II have been investigated. The results of both staining methods with different biological objects have been compared. — In addition, the Feulgen-Thionin(SO2) method was studied with model films with respect to its specificity and stoichiometry. In biological objects it has been compared with the Feulgen-Pararosanilin(SO2) method. — When combining the Light Green staining with the Feulgen-Pararosanilin(SO2) procedure and the Orange II staining with Feulgen-Thionin-(SO2), both Feulgen-DNA stainings, which were first applied, proved to be unaffected by the following protein staining procedure. When the Feulgen procedure was carried out without the dye, followed by Light Green staining, the latter became reduced when a sulfite water rinse was included but was unaffected when a running tap water rinse was used. In the case of the Orange II staining a serious reduction in dye binding capacity was found in both situations. — When the Feulgen-Pararosanilin(SO2) Light Green procedure was carried out on isolated nuclei with all dyes present, a decrease of protein dye binding was observed, similar to that found with the well-known Feulgen-Pararosanilin(SO2) Naphthol Yellow S combination. It is concluded that in spite of this reduction the latter two combinations can be used for the cytophotometric analysis of DNA and protein in the same object.

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