Nuclear deformation in excited Pb isotopes from giant dipole γ-ray-fission angular correlations

Angular correlations between γ rays and fission fragments were measured in the reaction F19 +181Ta at 105 and 141 MeV bombarding energy. These correlations are used to extract the probability of giant dipole resonance γ-ray emission relative to the spin axis of the compound system which gives direct information about the projection quantum numbers of the split giant dipole resonance components in a deformed nucleus. Large anisotropies observed in the γ-ray energy region of the compound nucleus giant dipole resonance demonstrate unambiguously a deformed shape of the Pb200 compound system at excitation energies of 69.5 and 102.4 MeV. The singles and fission-coincidence γ-ray spectra are fitted consistently in terms of the statistical γ-ray decay of the compound system and excited fission fragments. The giant dipole resonance parameters of these fits are then used to compute the γ-ray angular distribution with respect to the compound nucleus spin axis for prolate and oblate shapes. At 69.5 MeV the γ-ray anisotropy relative to the compound nucleus spin axis is well described by a prolate shape with a deformation β=0.43 in general agreement with theoretical predictions of a superdeformed shape in Pb200. However, the large observed deformation survives to much higher temperatures than predicted. At 102.4 MeV the data require a reduction of the fission probability in the very early decay steps of the compound system. At this excitation energy the extraction of the shape of the Pb200 nucleus is ambiguous, allowing both a collective prolate as well as a noncollective oblate shape.