This report contains a brief description of an instrument for examining the anterior iridocorneal angle. The instrument combines the advantages of several of the methods now in use and attempts to obviate some of their less desirable features. Troncoso's1gonioscope has two outstanding advantages: It is conveniently portable, and it is so constructed that the entire angle may be readily examined. It gives, however, only relatively low magnification and has the definite disadvantages inherent in monocular visualization of a three-dimensional structure. Koeppe's2method of studying the angle gives the examiner binocular vision, but it has been generally discarded because it is rather awkward and restricts the examination to limited portions of the angle. Barkan and his co-workers3have described a method for mounting the corneal microscope and slit lamp so that a satisfactory binocular view of most of the angle is obtained. While this