Nervous System of the Larva of the Ascidian Molgula citrina(Alder and Hancock, 1848)

Features of the nervous system, especially those of the peripheral nervous system, are described in the larva of Molgula citrina. In the peripheral nervous system, antibodies raised against acetylated α–tubulins mark a pair of rostral nerves arising from 8 to 10 sensory cells in the trunk epithelium, and a pair of tail nerves. In the sensory vesicle of the trunk, a pair of antennal cells is associated with the statocyte, and a tuft of ca. 150 cilia is labelled inside the hypophysial duct. A dorsal bundle of fibres forms a plexus over the surface of the sensory vesicle which extends caudally over the visceral ganglion. The latter contains somala that were back‐filled by Co2+–lysine through the cut tip of the tail. Antibodies directed against the transmitter candidates: peptides substance P, FMRFamide, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y, CGRP, VIP, and the amines: 5‐HT, dopamine, noradrenaline and GABA, all failed to demonstrate immunoreactivity anywhere in the nervous system. The trunk epithelium is ciliated uniformly but lacks papillae; this is remarkable given the presence of rostral nerves. The latter are presumed to be sensory, and can be compared with those in larvaceans and the larva of amphioxus. Sensory cells in the tail nerve, if present, lack cilia. The tail nerves are lateral in this species and presumed to be motor. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd