The Design and Fabrication of Three-Chamber Microscale Cell Culture Analog Devices with Integrated Dissolved Oxygen Sensors

Whole animal testing is an essential part in evaluating the toxicological and pharmacological profiles of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, but these experiments are expensive and cumbersome. A cell culture analog (CCA) system, when used in conjunction with a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model, provides an in vitro supplement to animal studies and the possibility of a human surrogate for predicting human response in clinical trials. A PBPK model mathematically simulates animal metabolism by modeling the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination kinetics of a chemical in interconnected tissue compartments. A CCA uses mammalian cells cultured in interconnected chambers to physically represent the corresponding PBPK. These compartments are connected by recirculating tissue culture medium that acts as a blood surrogate. The purpose of this article is to describe the design and basic operation of the microscale manifestation of such a system. Microscale CCAs offer the potential for inexpensive, relatively high throughput evaluation of chemicals while minimizing demand for reagents and cells. Using microfabrication technology, a three-chamber ("lung"-"liver"-"other") microscale cell culture analog (microCCA) device was fabricated on a 1 in. (2.54 cm) square silicon chip. With a design flow rate of 1.76 microL/min, this microCCA device achieves approximate physiological liquid-to-cell ratio and hydrodynamic shear stress while replicating the liquid residence time parameters in the PBPK model. A dissolved oxygen sensor based on collision quenching of a fluorescent ruthenium complex by oxygen molecules was integrated into the system, demonstrating the potential to integrate real-time sensors into such devices.