Effects of Conditioned Stimulus Fear-Relevance and Preexposure on Expectancy and Electrodermal Measures of Human Pavlovian Conditioning

The present research investigated the effects of fear-relevance of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and CS preexposure on human electrodermal conditioning and on a continuous measure of expectancy of the unconditioned stimulus (US). Both experiments employed 20 preexposure, 8 acquisition, and 8 extinction trials in a differential Pavlovian conditioning paradigm with shock as the US. In Experiment 1 (N = 48), electrodermal conditioning was retarded by CS preexposure, but was not influenced by fear-relevance of the CS. Expectancy of the US was retarded by preexposure only in the fear-relevant condition. In Experiment 2 (N = 48), the CS/US contingencies were embedded in a visual masking task. Preexposure retarded both electrodermal conditioning and US expectancy. Neither measure was influenced by fear-relevance of the CS. However, fewer subjects in the preexposure condition learned the CS/US relationship and those who did, did so on a later trial than those in the no-preexposure condition. Thus, the results indicated clear retardation of conditioning as a result of preexposure, but no reliable effect of fear-relevance.