Multimodal therapies in ductal pancreatic cancer

Conclusions. Intra-arterial infusion chemotherapy via the celiac axis combined with external beam radiotherapy might be an effective method for palliative and perioperative multimodal treatment in pancreatic cancer. To improve the dismal prognosis in resectable and nonresectable pancreatic cancer, the results of multimodal palliative, adjuvant, and neoadjuvant therapies were reviewed and put into perspective with the results of two intra-arterial palliative and adjuvant treatment studies conducted at our department. The benefits and pitfalls of each method were outweighted, resulting in a concept for performing intra-arterial chemotherapy with radiotherapy in nonresectable stage UICC-III pancreatic cancer that eventually will be developed as a combined neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment of all potentially resectable ductal pancreatic carcinomas.