The nigrostriatal neurotoxin N-methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) causes Parkinsonism in humans and laboratory animals. MPTP neurotoxicity is dependent on its oxidation to N-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+). The mechanism by which MPP+ causes destruction of dopamine-containing nigrostriatal cells is unknown. Here we show that MPP+ but not MPTP is taken up by energized mitochondria. MPP+ in the presence of dopamine and particularly of 6-hydroxydopamine stimulates Ca2+ release from mitochondria. Ca2+ release is accompanied by hydrolysis of intramitochondrial pyridine nucleotides. Our findings suggest that the MPTP-induced model of Parkinson's disease may be due to a disturbed Ca2+ homeostasis in dopamine neurons.