In a foregoing paper 1 the effects of a turbulent motion on magnetic fields were investigated. Especially turbulence was treated under the influence of CORIOLiS-forces and gradients of density and/or turbulence intensity. It was shown that on these conditions the average cross-product of velocity and magnetic field has a non-vanishing component parallel to the average magnetic field. Here we give the consequences of this effect for rotating, electrically conducting spheres. At first a sphere rotating with constant angular velocity is investigated. The quadratic effect provides for dynamo maintainance of the magnetic fields. A field of dipol-type has the weakest condition for maintainance. Applications to the magnetic field of the earth show a good agreement with the conceptions of the physical state of the earth’s core. For a second model differential rotation is included. We have also dynamo maintainance. Since we have to assume that generally the angular velocity is a function decreasing with the distance from the centre of the sphere, the calculations show that we have a preferred self-excited build-up of a quadrupol-type field. This model may be applicable to magnetic stars. Finally we look for dynamo maintainance of alternating fields. We consider the skin-depth to be small compared with the radius of the sphere, then we have plane geometry. The existence of periodical solutions is proved. Applications to the general magnetic field of the sun, which has a period of 22 years, are discussed.

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