Rare decays of the top quark in the standard and two-Higgs-doublet models

The decays tcV, where V=γ, g, or Z, and tcH are calculated, keeping all masses, in the standard model (SM) for all possible values of the top-quark mass that are consistent with present data. We find that the branching fractions for these processes are small, the largest being B(tcH)107 and B(tcg)1010. Our calculations are then extended to include the possible contributions of charged Higgs bosons to the transitions tcV in the context of general two-Higgs-doublet models. These new contributions can enhance the SM branching fractions by as much as 3-4 orders of magnitude, e.g., B(tcg)107106, for various values of the parameters. General expressions for flavor-changing neutral-current decays of heavy quarks including all masses and momenta, in the SM and in the two-Higgs-doublet models, are also given.