Clinical and Clinicopathologic Features in 11 Cats withCuterebraLarvae Myiasis of the Central Nervous System

The medical records of 11 cats with histopathologic findings consistent with central nervous system (CNS) Cuterebra larvae myiasis were retrospectively examined to determine if clinical features could identify this disorder antemortem. Young to middle-aged indoor-outdoor domestic shorthaired cats presenting with acute neurologic signs from July through September predominated. Many cats recently had clinical signs consistent with upper respiratory disease. Most cats presented for depression, lethargy, or seizures. Almost all cats had abnormal rectal temperatures, either hypethermia or hypothermia. Peripheral leukocytosis and eosinophilia were not characteristic of cats with CNS cuterebriasis. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis did not consistently disclose evidence of inflammation. Common neurologic deficits included blindness, abnormal mentation, and signs of unilateral prosencephalic disease. No specific clinical or clinicopathologic test was diagnostic for CNS cuterebriasis.