He3(α, γ)Be7Reaction

The He3(α, γ)Be7 reaction has been investigated using gaseous helium targets behind thin nickel foils and using monoenergetic alpha-particle beams with energies from 0.42 to 5.80 MeV. The prompt gamma rays were detected using NaI(Tl) scintillation spectrometers, and the resulting pulse-height spectra were analyzed to determine both the total capture cross section and the branching ratio between the cascade and the crossover transitions as functions of energy. These cross-section measurements have been used to obtain a new value for the zero-energy intercept of the cross-section factor S(E) for this reaction: S0=0.47±0.05 keV-b, and (dSdE)0=2.8×104 b.

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