Estimation of arboreal arthropod density in a dry evergreen forest in Northeastern Thailand

The density of arboreal arthropods in a dry evergreen forest in Northeastern Thailand was investigated by the insecticide fogging (knockdown) method. Arthropod densities of 256.4 and 140.4 m-2 were recorded in the dry season and 195.2 and 123.1 m-2 in the rainy season. The main orders were Collembola, Thysanoptera, Hymenoptera (mainly Formicidae) and Hemiptera. Distinct differences were not found in the arthropod faunal structure and density between the dry and rainy seasons. However, this fauna is completely eliminated by the clearing and burning of forest for shifting cultivation.The results of an experiment investigating the rate of arthropod fall after application of insecticide are presented and problems concerning the efficiency of the estimation methods used in this study are discussed.