Differential Tropism of Clinical HIV-1 Isolates for Primary Monocytes and Promonocytic Cell Lines

Previously we demonstrated a correlation between a nonsyncytium-inducing (NSI), non-T-cell line tropic phenotype of HIV-1 isolates and the capacity to replicate in primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). Here we demonstrate that these NSI, monocytotropic HIV-1 isolates lack the capacity to replicate in two promonocytic cell-lines, HL60 and U937. In contrast, most syncytium-inducing (SI) HIV-1 isolates with tropism for T-cell lines and generally non-monocytotropic were able to establish a productive infection in promonocytic cell lines. Similar differences in tropism for monocytes and promonocytic cell lines were observed with infectious molecular clones. Our results indicate that virological studies on promonocytic cell lines do not necessarily pertain to the HIV-1 infection of monocytes in vivo.