An Estimate of the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Positive Blood Donations by HIV-Seronegative Donors in a Northern Thailand HIV Epicenter
Despite mandatory antibody testing, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be transmitted from HIV-infected blood that is seronegative. The objective of this study was to estimate the probability of HIV-infected blood donations during the seronegative “window period” in a northern Thailand HIV epicenter. Thus, a retrospective cohort of repeat blood donors was created. With the assumptions that the probability of HIV seroconversion is distributed uniformly between the last HIV-negative and the first HIV-positive donation and that the seronegative window is 45 days, the rate of window-period donations was calculated by multiplying the incidence by the window duration. Of 11,232 repeat donors, 273 seroconverted during 9,518,863 person-days of observation (i.e., a window-period donation rate of 1/775). There were more window-period donations among 21- to 30-year-old men and in donors replacing blood of friends or relatives. Additional measures are needed to reduce the high number of HIV-infected window-period donations.