Clinical use of the 3m 2.5 mm mechanical microcoupling device in free tissue transfer

The long‐term patency of the 2.5 mm mechanical microvascular anastomotic device (the Unilink system) was evaluated in 10 cases of free flap transfer in nine patients between July 1991 and July 1993. Flap survival indicated adequate patency to time of healing. All cases were considered critical end‐to‐end venous anastomoses, without a parallel conventional microvascular hand‐sewn anastomosis associated with the coupling device. The types of flaps used were seven rectus abdominous and one each of serratus anterior and lateral arm muscles and a free jejunum.There were no postoperative complications requiring reexploration. The 2.5 mm device had a rate of 100% flap take with complete healing at an average of 15 months postoper‐atively. Selected Doppler flow studies depicted the coupler device in vivo with duplex scan verification of venous patency.The 2.5 mm coupler is a versatile anastomotic device for vessels with a diameter of 2.4–3.2 mm. This expands the applicability of the UNILINK system for use in larger diameter vessels.