SUMMARY: RNA from the anterior hypothalamus and anterior pituitary of rats has been labelled by incubation in vitro with [3H]uridine and characterized by density gradient centrifugation. A study of normal females during the oestrous cycle showed cyclic changes in [3H]uridine incorporation into rapidly labelled RNA (rl-RNA) both in the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus. In both tissues the specific activity of RNA was low at dioestrus and high at oestrus and metoestrus. In androgenized females, incorporation into hypothalamic rl-RNA was less than the oestrus—metoestrus level and similar to that at dioestrus, while incorporation into anterior pituitary rl-RNA was similar to the oestrus—metoestrus level and greater than at dioestrus. [3H]Uridine incorporation into ribosomal RNA (r-RNA) of anterior hypothalamus and pituitary was also demonstrated by incubation for 4 h. Under these conditions there was no effect of androgenization on hypothalamic r-RNA, but the specific activity of pituitary r-RNA was greater than normal.

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