Proteoglycans in Dentinogenesis

The predominant proteoglycans present in predentin and dentin are the chondroitin-sulphate-rich decorin and biglycan and the keratan-sulphate-rich lumican and fibromodulin. These are small, interstitial, leucine-rich proteoglycans which have recently been shown to exist in gradients across the predentin. Antibodies recognizing chondroitin sulphate show a decreasing gradient from the pulpal aspect toward the mineralizing front, the converse being true for keratan sulphate. Anti-decorin shows an increase toward the mineralization front. Evidence from biochemical, autoradiographic, and immunohistochemical studies implies that such changes may be brought about by gradients of metalloproteinases. This offers the possibility that the proteoglycans organize the collagen network for receipt of phosphoproteins and phospholipids, the former being evident only at the onset of dentin formation. The suggestion is raised that glycosaminoglycan-depleted leucine-rich protein cores act as sequester points for receipt of phosphoproteins in particular. The rigid, spatially oriented glycosaminoglycan chains on decorin and biglycan are known to bind calcium and may feature directly in mineral initiation.