Statistical Characterization of Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectra from Doubly Charged Tryptic Peptides

Collision-induced dissociation (CID) is a common ion activation technique used to energize mass-selected peptide ions during tandem mass spectrometry. Characteristic fragment ions form from the cleavage of amide bonds within a peptide undergoing CID, allowing the inference of its amino acid sequence. The statistical characterization of these fragment ions is essential for improving peptide identification algorithms and for understanding the complex reactions taking place during CID. An examination of 1465 ion trap spectra from doubly charged tryptic peptides reveals several trends important to understanding this fragmentation process. While less abundant than y ions, b ions are present in sufficient numbers to aid sequencing algorithms. Fragment ions exhibit a characteristic series-specific relationship between their masses and intensities. Each residue influences fragmentation at adjacent amide bonds, with Pro quantifiably enhancing cleavage at its N-terminal amide bond and His increasing the formation of b ions at its C-terminal amide bond. Fragment ions corresponding to a formal loss of ammonia appear preferentially in peptides containing Gln and Asn. These trends are partially responsible for the complexity of peptide tandem mass spectra.