Balloon-borne photoionization mass spectrometer for measurement of stratospheric gases

A balloon-borne photoionization mass spectrometer used to measure stratospheric trace gases is described. Ions are created with photons from high-intensity krypton discharge lamps and a quadrupole mass analyzer is employed for ion identification. Differential pumping is achieved with liquid helium cryopumping. To insure measurement of unperturbed stratospheric air, the entire system is contained in a sealed gondola and the atmospheric sample is taken some distance away during descent. The photoionization technique allows the detection of a low ionization potential constituent, such as nitric oxide, at less than a part in 109 in the presence of the major atmospheric gases and their isotopes. Operation of the mass spectrometer system was demonstrated during a daytime flight from Palestine, Texas on 26 April 1977. The sensitivity achieved and the unique selectivity afforded by this technique offer a capability for trace constituent measurement not possible with the more conventional electron impact ionization approach.