Magnetism of pure iron jarosites

Stoichiometrically pure jarosites of the formula AFe3(OH)6(SO4)2 with A=Na+, K+, Rb+, and NH4+ have been afforded by a newly developed redox-based, hydrothermal method. The jarosites exhibit an intralayer antiferromagnetic exchange interaction (829K<ΘCW<812K) and transition temperatures for long-range order (LRO) (61K<TN<65K) that are essentially insensitive to the size of the A+ ion. A cusp at TN in the ac susceptibility curve is frequency independent. The origin of LRO is consistent with coupling of jarosite layers exhibiting a net magnetization, which arises from an anisotropy developed, most likely, from the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction. A canted intralayer spin structure, which is a consequence of the DM interaction, is signified by a remanent magnetization (53K<TD<58K), the magnitude of which depends on crystallite size. X-ray single crystal analyses of the pure Fe3+ jarosite compounds reveal that the kagomé layers are structurally invariant with those of their Cr3+ and V3+ relatives. This structural homology allows the sign and magnitude of exchange coupling within kagomé layers to be correlated to the different orbital parentages engendered by the M3+ d-electron count. Infrared studies show the presence of H2O within the kagomé layers of alkali metal and hydronium ion Fe3+ jarosites prepared by conventional precipitation methods; conversely, H2O is absent within the kagomé layers of jarosites prepared by the new redox-based hydrothermal methods. These results suggest that the absence of LRO in (H3O)Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2 is due to structural and magnetic disorder arising from proton transfer from the interlayer hydronium ion to the bridging hydroxide ions of the kagomé layers.