Effect of Processing Conditions, Prestorage Treatment, and Storage Conditions on the Phenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Olive Mill Waste

The impact of two- and three-phase processing systems and malaxation conditions on phenol content (both total and individual phenols) and antioxidant capacity of laboratory-generated olive mill waste (OMW) was assessed. Two-phase olive processing generated a waste with higher phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Using the two-phase system, both malaxation time and temperature affected the phenol content and antioxidant capacity. The effects of different prestorage drying treatments on phenol content and antioxidant capacity were also compared. Air drying and drying at 60 degrees C resulted in a substantial decrease in the phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Drying at 105 degrees C and freeze-drying produced less degradation. The phenol content and antioxidant capacity of OMW stored at 4 degrees C and of OMW preserved by 40% w/w ethanol and 1% w/w acetic acid and stored at 4 degrees C were monitored for 30 days and compared with those of OMW stored at room temperature. None of these storage conditions could prevent the rapid decrease in phenolic concentrations and antioxidant capacity, which happened within the first 24 h.