Calulation of radiation induced complication probabilities for brain, liver and kidney, and the use of a reliability model to estimate critical volume fractions

Radiation induced normal tissue complication probability is calculated for three different organs: brain, liver and kidney. The model applied is a reliability model where the volume effect of the tissue is described by the structural parameter, k, which reflects the architecture of the functional subunits (p) and the irradiated volume fraction (n). For partial, homogeneous irradiation of the brain, a k-value close to unity was found, and the respective values for liver and kidney were 0.92 and 0.77. An extension of the reliability model to account for individual inactivation probability of the subunits allows calculation of complication probability for inhomogeneous dose distributions. For the brain, intercomparison of a three-field and a two-field technique demonstrated a small reduction in complication probability for the former at low total doses. At high total doses a minimum complication probability was achieved applying a three-field technique, being three times less than that associated with the two-field technique.