Normal peripheral T-cell function in c-Fos-deficient mice.

The ubiquitous transcription factors Fos and Jun are rapidly induced in T cells stimulated through the T-cell antigen receptor and regulate transcription of cytokines, including interleukin 2, in activated T cells. Since positive and negative selection of thymocytes during T-cell development also depends on activation through the T-cell receptor, Fos and Jun may play a role in thymocyte development as well. Fos and Jun act at several regulatory elements in the interleukin 2 promoter, including the AP-1 and NFAT sites. Using antisera specific to individual Fos and Jun family members, we show that c-Fos as well as other Fos family members are present in the inducible AP-1 and NFAT complexes of activated murine T cells. Nevertheless, c-Fos is not absolutely required for the development or function of peripheral T cells, as shown by using mice in which both copies of the c-fos gene were disrupted by targeted mutagenesis. c-Fos-deficient mice were comparable to wild-type mice in their patterns of thymocyte development and in the ability of their peripheral T cells to proliferate and produce several cytokines in response to T-cell receptor stimulation. Our results suggest that other Fos family members may be capable of substituting functionally for c-Fos during T-cell development and cytokine gene transcription in activated T cells.