The Relation between Aerobic Fitness and Serum Cholesterol Levels in a Large Employed Population

Background.: The purpose of this epidemiologic study was to determine the extent to which aerobic fitness was associated with total cholesterol/HDL-C ratios greater than 5.0 in 10,455 adults. The confounding effects of age, gender, income, body fat, smoking, and alcohol use were also examined. Methods.: A step test was used to estimate aerobic fitness, and serum cholesterol was measured in a certified lab. Lifestyle information was gathered using written questionnaires, and body fat was assessed using skinfold measurements. Results.: High fitness levels were associated with low prevalence of elevated total/HDL-C ratios. After controlling for the potential confounders, adults classified as having excellent, very good, good, or fair aerobic fitness levels were .46, .64, .61, and .85 times as likely to have elevated ratios compared to poorly fit adults, respectively. High-level fitness was also related to high HDL-C levels and low total cholesterol levels. Discussion.: Cause-and-effect conclusions are not warranted; however, poorly fit adults appear to be at increased risk of elevated levels of serum cholesterol.