In this paper, we review the state-of-art for the growth of ferroelectric tungsten bronze single crystals in optical quality and large size. The Czochralski technique has been optimized for various bronze solid solution crystals such as Sr1−xBaxNb2O6 (SBN), Ba2−xSrxK1−yNayNb5O15 (BSKNN) and Sr2−xCaxNaNb5O15 (SCNN) with properties specifically tailored for electro-optic, pyroelectnc and more recently for photorefractive applications. SBN solid solution crystals are found to be easiest to grow in series up to 1′′ in diameter with excellent transverse electro-optic effects; whereas BSKNN crystals, which exhibit excellent longitudinal electro-optic effects are more difficult to grow in large sizes and optical quality. BSKNN crystals exhibit ferroelectric and optical properties similar to perovskite BaTiO3 and are found to be particularly useful for photorefractive applications. The SCNN solid solution crystals are orthorhombic at room temperature and are much more difficult to grow; currently, crystals are available in 5 mm diameter. SCNN crystals exhibit combined properties that are available individually from SBN and BSKNN crystals, i. e., they show both transverse and longitudinal properties large and nearly equal.