The Vapor Pressure, Orthobaric Liquid Density, and Critical Constants of Isobutane

The vapor pressures and orthobaric liquid densities of isobutane (propane−2‐methyl) were measured from 30° to 125°C. The equation log10p (normal atmos.)=4.31269–1126.71/T  (T=tC (Int.)+273.13) gives a fair representation of the vapor pressures. The critical constants of isobutane are determined by the compressibility method. They are: tc=134.98±0.05°C (Int.), pc=36.00±0.05 normal atmos., vc=0.263 liters per mole (4.53 ml per g), dc=3.80 moles per liter (0.221 g per ml). The uncertainty in the critical volume and density is 2 percent.