Electron-attachment cross sections are calculated for the process e+SF6SF6 in the energy range 1200 meV. An electron scattering approximation is used in which diatomiclike potential energy curves near the equilibrium SF6 ground state are constructed from recent spectroscopic data. Excellent agreement is found over the entire energy range with experimental attachment cross sections at a temperature of 300 K for s-wave (l=0) scattering. The same calculation, with appropriate adjustment of the thermal populations, is used to calculate attachment rate constants k(ε¯) in the range 50600 K for both s- and p-wave scattering. Comparisons are made with four independent sets of measured rate constants in the range 200600 K, after adding an experimental estimate of the attachment rate for the process e+SF6SF5 +F. Good agreement is found with three sets of data, and poorer agreement with the fourth. The calculation shows that the true s-wave behavior of the rate constant, in which k(ε¯) is independent of ε¯, will be realized only at temperatures T less than 115 K, and that the observed constancy in the range 300600 K is accidental. Theory predicts approximately a 9% increase in k(ε¯) as T is lowered from 300 to 200 K.