Racial discrimination in the allocation of distinction awards? Analysis of list of award holders by type of award, specialty and region

We used the list of all consultants in England and Wales who are currently in receipt of a distinction award published by the Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards1 to determine the ethnicity of award holders using the surname of the award holder as a proxy for ethnicity. We classified consultants with Asian, Chinese, and African names as non-white and consultants with Anglo-Saxon, East European, and South European names as white. All consultants are eligible for distinction awards, so for denominator data we obtained the number of consultants by region and specialty from the 1996 census of the NHS workforce carried out by the Department of Health.2 This census categorises consultants as white, black, Asian, other ethnic, and not known. We classified black, Asian, and other ethnic as non-white. We excluded the not known category in our calculations.

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