An empirical relation between overburden pressure and firn density

Two empirical equations for firn densification have been obtained,considering firn porosity as a function of overburden pressure. In the first equation, thereduction ratio of porosity in firn is assumed to be proportional to the increasing ratioof overburden pressure and the mth power of the porosity. The porosity exponent m should be close to -2, so as to have a best-fit with 14 depth-density profiles fromGreenland and Antarctica. In the second equation, the reduction ratio of porosity wasassumed to increase proportionally to the increment of overburden pressure and thenth power of the porosity. The most satisfactory values of the exponent range from -1 to 1. It has been suggested that firn density, determined primarily by overburdenpressure and firn temperature, contribute to a lesser degree.