The physical association between Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopk. and its associated blue stain fungi Ceratocystis montia Rumb. and Europhium clavigerum Robinson and Davidson and the yeasts Pichia pini (Holst) Phaff, Hansenula capsulata Wickerham, and H. holstii Wickerham is described in single broods reared in bolts of lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm. Eggs just prior to hatch and first-instar larvae were always in contact with the microorganisms whereas newly laid eggs, second-, third-, and fourth-instar larvae were not. During pupation, blue stain fungi and yeasts colonized pupal chamber walls. Transfer of these microorganisms to the new generation of insects was ensured when tenerals contacted the microorganisms lining the pupal chamber. Ensured physical contact between these organisms supports the hypothesis of a symbiosis between them.