In a study of 256 non‐epithelial neoplasms involving the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx, only two lesions were classified as adipose tissue tumors (one lipoma and one liposarcoma). The lipoma was found incidentally when tissue removed from the maxillary sinus was studied histologically, the patient having been treated with a Caldwell‐Luc procedure for maxillary sinusitis. The liposarcoma produced a large mass involving the nasal cavity, maxillary sinus, ethmoid area, hard palate and maxillary, temporal and sphenoid bones. The tumor extended into the cranial cavity and eventually led to the patient's death. The problems involved in histologically differentiating liposarcomas from other lesions are discussed. Even though adipose tissue tumors are among the most common soft tissue neoplasms, these lesions rarely occur in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx.