Intramolecular DNA melting between stable helical segments: melting theory and metastable states

Melting of DNA In a segment bounded at both ends by regions of greater stability during electrophoresls in denaturing gradient gels shows complex properties, not accommodated within standard melting theory. Compact bands of some DNA molecules become anomalously broadened at the retardation level in a denaturing gradient, or double bands may appear in a uniform denaturant concentration. These properties are associated only wfth molecules for which the distribution of stability calculated by the Poland-Hxman-Freire algorithms indicates that the region of lowest stability does not extend to an end of the molecule. Retention of helicity at the ends is shown by the difference in the effect of base substitution In the end domains and in the least stable domain. Both the appearance of double bands and band broadening can be explained by Invoking a hypothetical metastable Intermediate in melting, which is converted Into the equilibrium melted form at a relatively slow rate, depending on both denaturant concentration and field strength. A kinetic model permits plausible rate constants to be inferred from the patterns. Despite the increased band width, sequence variants with base changes in the least stable domain result in readily detectable band shifts in the gradient.