This widespread and intensive field and laboratory (mineralogical and chemical) investigation aims to check the validity of Ohui Ash as a separate air-fall tephra deposit, and to re-examine the age of sea-rafted Loisels Pumice. Ohui Ash is here considered to be probably Kaharoa Ash at Whiritoa Beach, eastern Coromandel Peninsula and definitely air-fall Taupo Pumice at Opoutere Beach, eastern Coromandel Peninsula. Primary sea-rafted Loisels Pumice is probably younger than Kaharoa Ash, but, as yet, its stratigraphic relationship is still uncertain. The investigation discloses that Wellman's sea-rafted light coloured Loisels Pumice is sea-rafted Taupo Pumice. It was also found that air-fall Kaharoa Ash and Taupo Pumice occur in Northlandmuch further north than previously suspected.