RNA/DNA ratios in white muscle as estimates of growth in rainbow trout held at different temperatures

The concentrations of RNA, DNA, and protein in white muscle from 240 uniquely tagged rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) held at three temperatures (5, 8 (control), and 11 °C) were measured. Both RNA and RNA/DNA ratios were better predictors of recent length- and weight-specific growth rates than they were of absolute fish size. Furthermore, RNA concentrations were better predictors of growth than RNA/DNA ratios. The strength of the regression between either RNA/DNA ratio or RNA and growth rate did not differ consistently among temperatures. Fish reared at warmer temperatures had lower concentrations of RNA for both a given growth rate and a given DNA concentration compared with cold-reared trout. Warm-reared fish also had lower concentrations of DNA and higher protein/DNA ratios than cold-reared trout when fish size was standardized. The concomitant decrease in both RNA and DNA concentrations resulted in marginally lower RNA/DNA ratios in warm-reared fish.